Auto Accident Chiropractor

Auto Accident Chiropractor

Looking for an Auto Accident Chiropractor

Cracking, popping, pulling, prodding. 

These are all words that are often associated with chiropractors and are quite unappealing to many people. 
The idea of someone putting your body into strange and unusual positions to get it to pop or realign can be terrifying… but it doesn’t have to be. It can be scary to try something new, especially if you are thinking about going to see a chiropractor after going through an auto accident. 

The injuries sustained from auto accidents vary from surface level injuries like cuts and scratches. They can also be long lasting and have deeper problems such as spine misalignment issues, whiplash pain and so much more. 

A lot of these injuries can be harder to treat or to feel fully healed from. That is where chiropractic help comes from. They strive to create long lasting results, next to no pain from injuries in car accidents and hopefully a few smiles in the process.


Many chiropractors focus on adjusting the body to help with pain created in auto accidents.

As many accidents result in injuries in the neck and spine, the back is the prime place for adjustments, or “pops” as some people call them.
When there is a controlled force put onto a specific place of the body, like certain vertebrae or points in the neck, the pressure can help to relieve the misalignment.

This works by either helping to slowly move, or pop the misaligned joint, bone or vertebrae back into the original position, therefore helping to relieve pain and pressure. Getting this treatment sooner after the accident is ideal. The sooner the treatments and adjustments start, the quicker you can feel better as well as avoid chronic long lasting pain.

As each person is different with their pain levels and injuries from their auto accidents. It is very important to communicate with your chiropractor. Each individual’s plan is different and will require special care. That is what the chiropractor is there for… to help your injuries heal properly and to relieve pain.

Soft Tissue Manipulation

We all have heard about people talking about massages and how relaxing they are. The truth is that massages actually are a form of chiropractic care. When in auto accidents, the tension can build up.
Your body tenses up when it is about to be in an accident as a natural instinct. This can result in whiplash soreness and pain or even knots from muscles being bunched up. This manipulation is typically used after getting adjustments done. Putting pressure on the affected area after it is pulled and prodded can help with relieving pain. 

Different stroke patterns and routes are used to relieve tension. The idea is that the pressure and stretching is applied to the points of the body with the most pain. This can be something like a bruised joint or a knot in your back that is rubbed out to keep it from getting stiff or seizing up. 

As this is a longer and more tedious process, not many people opt for it, but that is where speaking to your chiropractor and feeling comfortable with them is key. Trust is earned and traded with this healing process.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is very similar to soft tissue manipulation as it can often be seen as a massage. But the difference is that this kind of therapy usually stays in one place. The routes and rhythms that are used in soft tissue manipulation are not applied here, but a singular pressure to a singular area is. With auto accidents, knots, muscle spasms, muscular imbalance and more happen form the impact that the body goes through. 

Trigger point therapy allows the chiropractor to put pressure on the certain point of the body that is in pain or under stress and keep that pressure there, forcing the muscles to release or loosen over time. The tools can vary while using. This kind of therapy has hands, elbows, tennis balls, foam rollers and even machine massagers. These can be used to hit the correct point for the correct amount of time needed. Many people associate chiropractors with adjustments or “pops”. The reality is that chiropractors are trained in so much more than that. They have a whole toolbox of knowledge available to help their patients. 

Auto accidents are terrible and have bad repercussions with pain and injury. But that does not mean that those injuries and pain are permanent. Chiropractors train hard everyday with each individual person. This is with the hope that they can get them back to no pain and feeling better than before the accident. 

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